So Scrappy Together
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Silhouette Cameo Giveaway
Head over here for a chance to win, you just have to let me invade your home if you win:
Monday, July 25, 2011
Thomas Birthday
Another birthday done. We celebrated Logan's half birthday(his real bday is Dec. 24, not a great time for a party) this past week. We kept it small, trying to not overwhelm Logan. I found some great ideas on
First was Cranky the Crane, he had dropped his load in the ocean. The cargo was the treat bags with luggage tags. Next we had to help Percy after he crashed into the Chocolate Factory. Then we helped Toby and the Troublesome Trucks clean up the coal they had lost. This was a bean bag toss game. Then we helped James clean all the steam off and the train whistles were hidden underneath. They used them to call for Thomas, who was lost. I purchased the Thomas tent as Logan's present and surprised him with it. My amazing husband was an awesome Sir Topham Hat. He even tried for a British accent. We then came in from the heat and let the kids decorate their train cakes. We were suppose to play Sir Topham Hat says, but play Just Dance on the Wii instead. It was such a fun day and Logan loved it.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Rockin' Good Time
Well, I now need a "I survived my 7 year-old's Birthday Party" shirt. I hope the girls had as much fun partying as I did planning. Here is a list of the DIY crafts:
1. Disco Ball - made from bouncy ball and recycled CDs and LOTS of hot glue.
2. Speakers & Amps - Boxes painted black, Cricut cut circles and picture of amp.
3. Pin The Rockstar - cut sunglass with Cricut and Everyday Paperdolls cartridge.
4. Bottlecap Necklaces - Bottlecaps, washers and ribbon. I had planned on printing and punching the inside, but found these super cute stickers at Micheal's.
5. The small centerpieces - Cricut cuts from Indie Art
6. Backstage Passes - laminated and used ribbon
7. Father/Son Security Shirts - Cricut and Freezer Paper
8. Rock Star Banner - Cricut and Indie Art, George for font
9. You Rock Thank You Notes
They decorated paper guitars from Micheal's and had a air giutar contest, made the necklaces, had make-up and hair, created glitter tattoos, sang and danced with Sing It and Just Dance for Wii and had a guitar pinata.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Took some time away from birthday creations to make this fun St. Patrick's Day banner. Most of the cuts came from the Storybook cartridge for Cricut. LOVE that machine. Now back to all the birthday fun. Linking this to Skip to My Lou Made by You Mondays, its a great place to find some amazing inspiration.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Freezer Paper Shirts

The kids loved the Valentine shirts and it helps that its so easy to do. The picture add ons came from If you haven't seen their site yet, you should check them out. They have great links to printables. Right now they have a super cute St. Patrick's Day wallpaper for your smartphone. Now off to my next shirt, working on K's Rock Star birthday. If you run across any amazing Rock Star ideas, would love to see them.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Matching Freezer Paper Shirts
One of K's Christmas presents this year was her first American Girl Doll, Kit. I've been so surprised how much she has played with her considering she has never played with dolls or Barbies. If you open her toy drawer, its full of Scooby Doo, TMNT, lizards and dinosaurs. She's even been looking for extra chores to be able to earn money to buy Kit more clothes. I picked up an outfit at Micheal's and decided to make it match K's Valentine shirt. I used design studio for Cricut to cut out the freezer paper stencil. There are several video tutorials on youtube and it is so easy. I'll post a pick of the two of them after V day.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Another Amazing Giveaway!
Mama’s Holiday Wish List Meme
TodaysMama (link to: and GameStop (link to: are giving away a sleighful of gifts this holiday season and to enter I’m sharing this meme with you.
1. What is your holiday wish for your family?
To be together(happily) and share in the magic of Christmas through a 3 & 6 year old's eyes.
2. What is your Christmas morning / Hanukkah Nightly tradition?
The hope is that Daddy, a fire fighter, is home and we can open presents together.
3. If you could ask Santa for one, completely decadent wish for yourself, what would it be?
4. How do you make the holidays special without spending any money?
We just had fun decorating the tree and every year we make cookies for the neighbors. I also like having the kids trace their hands and feet to make reindeer.
5. What games did you play with your family growing up?
My family loves card games, hand & foot, shang hai, tick and others. If you plan on marrying in you better like cards.6. What holiday tradition have you carried on from your own childhood?
Having a birthday party on Christmas Eve, my sister's bday is Christmas day and my son's is Christmas Eve. We were never allowed to open in presents early so she at least had a special day.7. Where would you go for a Christmas/Hanukkah-away-from-home trip?
The kids would be happy with Wisconsin Dells, I would love to be somewhere warm with a beach. Palm Trees can be decorated.
8. Check out GameStop (link to: and tell us, what are the three top items on your GameStop Wish List this year?
Nintendo DSi, Kinnect for XBOX, Just Dance 2 for my daughter.