Well, I now need a "I survived my 7 year-old's Birthday Party" shirt. I hope the girls had as much fun partying as I did planning. Here is a list of the DIY crafts:
1. Disco Ball - made from bouncy ball and recycled CDs and LOTS of hot glue.
2. Speakers & Amps - Boxes painted black, Cricut cut circles and picture of amp.
3. Pin The Rockstar - cut sunglass with Cricut and Everyday Paperdolls cartridge.
4. Bottlecap Necklaces - Bottlecaps, washers and ribbon. I had planned on printing and punching the inside, but found these super cute stickers at Micheal's.
5. The small centerpieces - Cricut cuts from Indie Art
6. Backstage Passes - laminated and used ribbon
7. Father/Son Security Shirts - Cricut and Freezer Paper
8. Rock Star Banner - Cricut and Indie Art, George for font
9. You Rock Thank You Notes
They decorated paper guitars from Micheal's and had a air giutar contest, made the necklaces, had make-up and hair, created glitter tattoos, sang and danced with Sing It and Just Dance for Wii and had a guitar pinata.
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